Mash Media Cafe - Fresher Marketing Ideas

Split testing makes for sense and sanity

Why i before e - always after C!!

Split testing - of email campaigns, DM creative and other marketing communications activities - often breaks conventional rules.  Particularly when copy writing, proofing and QA come into the equation.

Take "complementary" and "complimentary".  Such subtle differences resulting in significantly different meaning.  Particularly when used in the context of business.

Of course all clients are vigilant when it comes to proof reading their copy content and rightly expect complete rigour from the professional partners supporting them in the creation of critical marketing communications collateral.

Equally, we all should interrogate carefully those marketing messages we receive on a daily basis, and perhaps sometimes test for ourselves the integrity of their original meanings.

Split testing various campaigns, by tweaking subject headings of emails for instance, can provide insight into what actions are most appropriate at the next stages of contact.  A/B testing of campaigns across platforms: for example email, print, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., can provide valuable information too, about recipients' behaviour and preferences and even present opportunities to get feedback.

When you're ready to plan your next campaign, why not get in touch - for an informal audit of creative concepts, relevancy of copy content, functional performance, R.O.I.  It'll be Complementary to your overall strategy and Complimentary, too.

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